Leadership Residency
Job Title - Leadership Resident (Intern)
Job Description - Responsible for overseeing the recruitment and development of volunteer leader teams; designing systems and processes for a department within Manna Church; utilizing Manna’s leadership structure to mentor volunteer leaders and gain their feedback;
Length of training - 17 weeks. Intern will work full-time hours; schedule determined by their role.
Training Outcome - A Director role within a non-profit organization; understand and carry out day-to-day operations of a specific department non-profit organization; leading, developing, and building volunteer leaders and teams.
Timeline, Titles, Specific Learning Objectives
Week 1-4 – Orientation, onboarding, and systems familiarization.
Organizational education: Who is Manna Church Hawaii and what is the Multiply church planting movement.
Gain access to key systems such as email, Planning Center Online (database), Google Suite, Asana, various department-specific workflows
Learn and gain proficiency in key systems such as Google Suite, Planning Center Online, and Asana.
Clarify role and responsibilities.
Training Objective 1: Intern fully understands his/her role at Manna Church and is familiar with what his responsibilities are. Intern receives basic education on Manna Church and the Multiply church planting strategy. Intern learns and gains systems proficiency.
Week 1-8 – Leadership education, various volunteer roles, event planning
Attend weekly staff meetings
Attend weekly mentoring with Supervisor.
Read assigned leadership books and provide critical analysis and leadership application.
Shadow Department Supervisor and gain a working knowledge of department responsibilities.
Shadow Manna Church’s leadership development process (Growth Track).
Continue to gain proficiency in responsibilities and systems.
Training Objective 2: Intern gains education which can be applied in non-profit leadership. Intern gains a holistic experience of their department. Intern assists Department Supervisor with executing department tasks.
Week 9-17 - Leadership Education, leading volunteer teams, mentoring groups, event planning
Attend weekly staff meetings
Attend weekly mentoring with Supervisor.
Read assigned leadership books and provide critical analysis and leadership application.
Lead volunteer teams and provide ongoing development to volunteers.
Mentor groups of 3-10 people utilizing Manna Church’s leadership development process (Growth Track).
Training Objective 3: Intern continues leadership education. Intern gains experience in leading volunteer teams for a non profit organization which serves 450+ people weekly. Intern leads mentoring groups.
Week 13 -17 - Reproducing Volunteer Leaders
Attend weekly staff meetings
Attend weekly mentoring with Supervisor.
Lead volunteer teams.
Lead mentoring groups.
Read assigned leadership books and provide critical analysis and leadership application.
Develop a plan to develop and install new volunteer leaders.
Select and train a new volunteer leader.
Training Objective 4: Intern focuses primarily on leading through volunteer leaders. Intern delegates responsibilities and uses the Manna Church leadership development process to reproduce volunteer leaders.
Week 17 – Self assessment and overall evaluation
Attend weekly staff meetings
Conduct a self assessment and summary of intern experience.
Meet with Supervisor for an overall performance evaluation.
Evaluate performance of intern and likely offer full time position provided intern meets expectations.
Training Objective 5: Candid evaluations of the intern’s performance will be held along with a very probable job offer. The Intern should expect to understand exactly where his/her weak points are at this stage and where he/she would fit into the organization. Potential salary and benefit packages will be discussed and projected for planning purposes.